- John & I are coming to LA (ish), San Diego (ish), Tempe, and Salt Lake City in just over two weeks! Check this post for details and dates, and please RSVP if you'll be joining the party. There will be a cupcake contest, prizes, and yes, FREE CAKE.

- Father's Day is coming! Have you got your Falker Satherhood on? (It's like a word journey.) Also, Cake Wrecks the hardcover gift book is still a rock-bottom $5.20 on Amazon

- As you tweeting twits already know, John and I will be attending Dragon*Con again this September. A few D*C FAQs:
* No, we won't have a booth at D*C; we'll just be regular paying geeks like the rest of you. However, if you have something you'd like signed, bring it along!
* How do you find us? Twitter.
* Yes, we'll be playing the Twitter game again this year: find me via my hints/"I'm right here" tweets, and win a prize. I'll also sign anything you like. (Within reason. Let's limit things to the northern cheeks, if you please.)
* The best part of D*C? The costumes, of course! (Ok, that's not really an FAQ, but I had to share.)
That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled evil henchperson duties.
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