The best man at Julian and Janny's wedding decided that he wanted to surprise them with a cake. It was
supposed to have "congratulations" written on it in both English and Thai since the bride was from Thailand.
Unfortunately, however, somewhere along the line someone's computer
(probably a pc*) didn't recognize the Thai font (surprise, surprise), and so
changed the font to...
waaait for it...
You guessed it! Gibberish!
(Or more precisely, gibberish that means nothing to anyone other that a few computer programmers who will no doubt point out my immense stupidity and poor lineage in the comment section.)
What gets me is that not only did the guy who printed it out not notice, but the hugely talented decorator didn't question it, either! For some reason I'm picturing a perfectly groomed English guy in a starched jacket and cummerbund saying, "Hm, yes, well. This is a tad awkward. But tally ho! Onward! What what! Good night, Westley! Good work! Sleep well! I'll most likely kill you in the morning!"
Wait, no. That's the Dread Pirate Roberts. Anyway.
Thanks to Julian and Janny

*Actually, it was a Commodore 64
Update: Apparently the font is not gibberish. It's called Mojibake or "an unintelligible sequence of characters." So, ya know. Gibberish. Only not gibberish. Everybody clear? Good good...
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