'Course, neither does this:

(Now try to read that aloud without sounding French. Go on. Eh? Am I right?)
This next one isn't so much a spelling error as it is a "Hey-o! Lunchtime!" error:

If the Patriots were from Detroit, this would be perfectly excusable:
What's worse than misspelling your team's name?
How about misspelling the name of your state?
Hey, is there an echo in here?

(Oh, see, NOW I'm hitting close to home, huh? Yeah. Don't feel bad; I've said it, too.)
This final one doesn't have a name at all, but I like this decorator's style:

Michelee U., Robert G., Will H., Rachel B., Lynda B., Molly S., Stacy M., Sarah O., & Elsha H., go! Fight! Win! (And call me when you get back, dahlings; I enjoy our visits.)
- Related Wreckage: Introducing a Good Sport
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