Yep, that's a first.
I'm continually amazed at how many Wreckerators botch the classic "Bee Mine" pun. It's not like it's that hard, guys: if there's a bee on it, write, "Bee Mine." If there's NOT a bee on it, write "Be Mine." That's it! And yet...

Of course, no V-Day is complete until we explore some alternate spellings of "Valentine's":

Still, always remember this, my dear Wreckies: At the end of the day, what matters most to your S.O. is that you tried.
(No, I don't think this vintage Wreck is professionally made, but it was just too cute not to share. I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't love to come home to this? Am I right, ladies?)
JuliAnn J., Linda R., Abby D., Shannon L., Vickie M., Maria P., Eunice S., & Carrie M., I tried to say "I love you"... but then I realized that was wildly inappropriate. So, uh, hey, good job!
- Related Wreckage: Valentine's Variety
- Related Wreckage: Valentine's Variety
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