Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 2, 2010

Sports Sense

As many of you have probably guessed by now, I get all my news from the Wrecks you send in. Now, is this:

HAH! Uh, no.
Yooouuu betcha.

Case in point: I believe that football-related thing I mentioned before has finally happened. And it's called...

The Superboll?

No, the Supper Bowl. Or...

Super Bowel? Hey, I kinda like the sound of that. Now, all it needs is...

This! Woohoo!

Go, super bowel! Go go go!!

Ok, maybe we should just call it "The Game."


From all this Wreckage, I also know there were two teams involved in "the game."

First we have the Colts, who are big Katamari fans:

(You know, Katamari? The game with the giant tube-head guys? Aw, check out this cute Katamari wedding cake; you'll see what I mean.)

And then there are the Saints, aka "the team with the logo most likely to be butchered by cupcake cakes [patooie!!]":

I think we both get the point here, don't you?

Hey, look, a CCC with appeal!

Yep, that banana is a peelin' from both ends.

Deborah C., Jenny D., Writer Girl, John W., Anony M., Jack O., C.M., & Sara W., orange you glad I only used one banana pun?

- Related Wreckage: Are You Ready for Some Football?!?

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