What next?
The window display, of course!
This is your place to shine, aspiring baker! Show the people what you can really do!

I see you're of the "writing on Styrofoam rounds with a Sharpie" skill set.
We can work with that.
After all, the most important thing is getting customers through the door - even if it is only to ask, "Dear God, what IS that THING?!"

Now, a good window display should appeal to both kids and kids at heart. Remember, cakes are all about fun! And color! And post-apocalyptic death tableaus!

Of course, edible barren wastelands aren't for everyone. That's why you should also advertise your more [winkwink] adult flavors. [nudgenudge]
Photo removed at the request of the baker.

And you can tell by the way that plastic half-lady is smelling her armpit that her plastic whole lady counterparts are gonna be hella sexy.
Or, if you're limited on space, you could always kill two birds with one horrendously disturbing Barbie cake:

Well, bakers, however you choose to design your displays, just be sure they communicate friendliness, poise, and professionalism.
And also a strong grasp on the spelling of "ho bag":

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