Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 3, 2010

Sunday Sweets: 2010 Cake Odyssey

Last week, I promised that we would bring you the sci-fi and fantasy cakes from That Takes the Cake, the cake and sugar art show that took place recently in Austin. I have gone through what seems like thousands of photos trying to pick out the coolest and most creative and I think I succeeded. Most of the photos here were found on snarkygurl's Flickr page and a couple were taken by Lynn Moore who should be a professional photographer if she's not already. As with last week, I only know who made a couple of these so, if it's yours, let me know and I'll credit you. On to the sweets!

This first one is one of our favorites:

What can I say? Jen and I are suckers for steampunk.

And check out these adorable close-ups of the robots:

This was made by Janet Rosebeary and you can see more of her work here.

Next we have an awesome E.T. cake:

Made by Maghan Ferguson. See more of her stuff here.

Check out the amazing details.

Our next cake was made by Kimberly Chapman and was actually far too big and complicated to get a good picture of. Instead, here are a few pictures of the tiers. For a whole bunch of photos and descriptions of all the characters, you can go here. Of course, a true geek would be able to guess them all without help ;)

And here's a sweet little topsy-turvy Robots cake:

I don't know anything about this robot. Except that he's made of awesome.

This next one falls into the Sugar Art category (no cake) but I think it took top honors:

Here's an adorable alien:

And the house from UP:

...though I'm not sure how this fits into the sci-fi and fantasy theme. Cute though! Love the balloons.

And lastly, we have a B-movie classic:

Everybody sing with me!
"Attaaaaaack, of the killer to-ma-toes..."

Nominate a Sweet or suggest a theme by e-mailing me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

Similar Sweets: (Dr.) Horrible Sunday Sweets

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