Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 3, 2010

Easter? Is That You?

There's a wide range of acceptable Easter motifs these days. Lilies, eggs, baby chicks, crosses, bunny butts - there's just all kinds of stuff to choose from.

So tell me, then: What exactly is this?

An Easter...Pig?

Or how about this?

Pink Cat gives you wings! Literally.

Hm. I'm starting to think we should offer bakeries animal flash cards.

At least then they'd know to put "bunny" in quotes.
(Check out how the right one is looking at the label. Heehee!)

Somebody please tell me this is not a cross:

Although if it's not, then the alternatives are looking pretty alarming. Yowza.

Oh! Speaking of alarming religious cakes: I've yet to see a smoking lamb cake this year. I'm still holding out hope, though. And in the meantime, I did spot a few chocolate cigarettes on this "Easter flowers" design:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but on a cake they sure alarm me.

The madness continues into the cookie section:

There are no words. Only lots of snickering.

And lastly, we have the gold standard of Easter designs:

The bug bunnies.

Jennifer T., Katie G., Steve, Taylor B., Teryn C., John M., & Shelli A., just tell them to take a left at Albuquerque. Oh, and watch out for those "sprinkles."

- Related Wreckage: Easter Potpourri

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