(Because I said so, that's why. And you have to look at every picture before you leave this blog, young lady, so don't make me come over there!)
Let's start with some good clean fun:

Bubble, bubble, bath time is ador-able!
And as a former faux painter, I'm digging the woodgrain on the tub.
This next one may be hard to swallow...

...'cuz that stack of diapers is really a cake. (I know, right?!) I'd love to see how it's made.
Here's a classic nursery rhyme, come to cake:
The baby is rockin' in a tree top! How cool is that?
And check out the little details:
And check out the little details:
Here's one made of sugar and spice(cake?) and everything nice:
It's amazing how that little bit of shine on the shoes makes them so much more realistic. Plus, look at the quilting on the cake board! Such a great touch.
What's that? You want to see some adorable hand-painted baby clothes?
Your wish = my command.
Forgive me for saying so, but this one here is cute as a button:

They're even wrinkly and stuff! Sooo cute!
Everybody knows a good baby shower cake needs the proper accessories:
By Charmaine's Pastry Blog
Everybody knows a good baby shower cake needs the proper accessories:

Our friend Julianne (aka Ninja Baby's mom) tells me the muppet-like baby booties are actually a Chinese style. Why don't we have such adorable footwear here in the States? And, you know, in my size?
Next a beautiful baby's bag:
...and, um, quite quaint quilts!
("q" words are hard)
That itty-bitty choo-choo train just made tracks to my heart.
And finally, a carriage cake made pretty in pink:
So delicate and sweet! And the butterfly on the handle is a great touch.
Before I close, I'd like to say that we here at CW know there are lots of different types of moms out there, and that these baby shower cakes might not apply to all of you. Maybe you adopted a toddler. Maybe you're a foster parent. Maybe you're a single dad who's had to be both parents to your little ones. Bottom line: there are endless variations of "Mom" out there, but regardless of your circumstances, today is for all of you. Happy Mother's Day!
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
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