The only problem is that many decorators just don't have the "skillz" necessary to pull off a really good dong cake. [smirk] So instead, they make their cakes look like popcorn.
(For what it's worth, that segue made more sense in my head.)
Now, bakers, the first thing to do when making a popcorn cake - and this is very important - is to try to make a cake that looks like popcorn.

As useful as labeling can be, though, there are still times when you want your popcorn cake to kind of look a little bit like actual popcorn:

Really, though, I think you can do a little better than that. Go on! Give it a try.

Maybe you could try for a more "buttery yellow?"

Ok, obviously this isn't working. Tell you what, bakers: why don't we try something a little more... drastic?
So the moral is: when you can't figure out how to make something in icing, just put the real thing on there instead!
Although I wouldn't suggest it with the Dong cake.
The health inspectors might complain.
Thanks to John B., Mia & Trinh, Melissa S., Dolly N., Chelsea E., Miles J., Amy S., & John M., who think all popcorn should come with a side of icing. Yeah. Just imagine all that soggy, salty, greasy goodness! Mmmmmmmhurk.
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