Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 8, 2010

Perfectly Punctual

Anyone who claims punctuation doesn't matter has clearly never read Eats, Shoots & Leaves.

Or seen any of these cakes.

Well, well, well, "Emily." (IF that's your REAL name.) Just what are we celebrating here, hmm? Perhaps a sham cover operation for impostor Hello Kitty cakes?

Parenthetically speaking, can we all please agree that parentheses really never belong on a cake?

The fact that the left side looks like a "C" isn't helping.

Then again, I bet this group of birthday gals was the most popular party at the restaurant. ("Hollaback, girls!")

You know what they say: "The only thing that conveys exuberance better than an ellipsis...

[sing-song] " a peeer-iod!"

And there was much rejoicing.

No, seriously. You should have SEEN this rejoicing. It was off the hook. Totally crazy.

Of course, for the Wreckerators who aren't satisfied with traditional, "real" punctuation, there's always one of these options:

That thing after the "Wow" is called a dinglehopper.

And this is the "wavelamation":

See how well it distracts from the misspelling? You can barely see the "differance!"

Nichole P., Lisa M., Luisa F., Rebekah, Millco, & Vanessa B., maybe we should all start using Victor Borge's phonetic punctuation while ordering:

Sure, it won't help any, but I'd pay good money to see someone try.

And by "good money," I mean a nickel.

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