Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 4, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Cutesy Wootsy

Once in a while here on Sunday Sweets, we build an entire post around just one fantastic cake. This is that cake:

(Made by Pink Cake Box)
I'm pretty sure I teared up a bit when I first saw it.

And since most of you would complain vigorously if we only had one cake on Sunday Sweets, here are a few more:

(Baker unknown)
Lions and tigers and... giraffes oh my!

(Made by Cortnie Hartwig)
The candle placement is a bit odd but those owls are super cute.

(Submitted by Margaret S. Baker unknown)
Jen thinks this bulldog is almost too realistic to be cute.
I think he's judging me.

(Made by Belinda at Lovable Cakes)
A sweet Easter lamb between smoke breaks.

The patches make this one.

(Made by Kylie Lambert of LeCupcake)
I don't know why but these cows make me want to eat more chicken.

(Made by Charmaine and found here)
There's nothing quite as sweet as a baby giraffe.

And finally, as I sit here with one of my beautiful cats asleep beside me and the other perched behind my neck whacking me with her tail, I think it would be nice to give a cakey shout-out to our furry friends:

(Made by Wendl and found here)
Simple yet adorable.

Send your Sweets nominations to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

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